The White Chrysanthemum
- Red Chrysanthemum
- White Chrysanthemum
A couple of years ago we decorated our Thanksgiving tables with pots of deep red chrysanthemums. They were rich and dark, like a burgundy wine, which is one of my favorite colors. A few days after the festivities were over we planted those little potted plants in the garden along our driveway.
The next year all of the mums grew back large and lovely, their deep red color gracing our fall garden. Each time I went to my car I was reminded of our gathering the year before, which caused me to think of things for which I was grateful many weeks ahead of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.
But the following year – last year – one of the plants grew back pure white! There was no evidence anywhere that it had once been a deep, rich, burgundy-red! A lone white mum surrounded by “Heaven on Earth” roses and burgundy-red mums! And this year that chrysanthemum is coming up pure white again – proving this unexpected change is permanent.
Isn’t that what happens when we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior? His blood washes us of our crimson-colored sin-stains, leaving no trace of the sin that once overwhelmed us! It washes away every speck of sin, making us perfectly holy before our Holy God, spotless, whiter than freshly fallen snow. And that’s a permanent change, as well, for when we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9)!
As the old hymn states, “O the blood of Jesus, it washes white as snow.”
Isaiah 1:18 ““Come now, let us reason together,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow…””
Thank You, Father, for Your incredible love, Your amazing grace, Your gift of forgiveness. And thank You for the white mum You placed in our garden, which reminds me of all You’ve done for us!