
Today is my houseplant-watering day. I have a green thumb with almost every plant I’ve attempted to cultivate…except orchids. Somehow, over the years, I’ve managed to kill more of these beautiful plants than I want to remember, even though I carefully followed their “low maintenance” instructions.

I have two orchids right now. Kole gave me a gorgeous one for Mother’s Day five weeks ago. Interestingly, this Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchid) had a different set of watering instructions. “Submerge entire pot in water for 5 minutes”, it stated.


In the past I’d focused on instructions saying to ONLY give it ½ cup of water…make sure water drains through…don’t let it sit in water…if potting soil is still moist don’t water (ok, this last one was also repeated with the new instructions).

So I tried this new method, also, on the one remaining orchid I had not yet killed…but was definitely knocking on death’s door. “What could it hurt?” I thought.

What could it hurt? It might even help!

So, for the past 4 weeks that’s how I watered it.   And today I saw…signs of life! A new leaf bud forming in its crown! Sitting and resting in water for a short time is exactly what it needed to begin the renewal process!

Sitting and resting…not focusing on rigorous instructions of “do this” and “not that”.  Sitting and resting…abiding…then letting the refreshing, life-giving water flow through…


Is that not what our Lord says to us? Sit and rest with me for a while…be filled and refreshed in my life-giving presence…when it’s time, let me flow through you onto others who are in desperate need of my touch.

If we haven’t taken that time with him…time being immersed in his word that refreshes and restores, we will soon become shriveled like the orchid leaves…wasted…unable to handle even the most basic realities of life (not to mention hopeless situations and cares of this world)…emptied to the point of death.

But if we will take that time, just when we think it’s over, we will see signs of new life…brought by the water of his word…the joy of his presence.


Lord Jesus, thank you for the Spirit of Life that you pour into our hearts. Help us to set aside times daily to sit and rest with you. May we allow you to fill us…refresh us…and open our eyes to see those new signs of life. Come, Lord Jesus, come.