The Golden Shower Tree

We’re all so very different. Some of us love the coolness of shade, preferring…or needing…to sit and rest under the protective covering of tree branches, arbors and awnings. I think of our Hostas and Clivia that thrive under our Podocarpus.   When we trimmed those large trees, the amount of sun that began to beat down on these under-plantings scorched their leaves. Extra water helped them live but could not restore the crispy edges to their former beauty.

Hostas and Clivia in our shady garden 2004

Other plants love and must live in full, direct sun. And even more, tropical plants, like our Hawaiian Plumeria and two trees that were a gift from our neighbor and friend from India, the Cassia Fistula, begin blooming like crazy when temperatures rise and humidity soars.

Cassia Fistula, also known as Golden Shower Tree

This deciduous tree, also known as the Golden Shower Tree, does not look pretty as its leaves begin dying and dropping right in the middle of summer. It doesn’t follow the pattern of other plants that give up their leaves in autumn. Instead, it looks like the intense summer sun has caused its death! Giving it extra water does nothing to stop it from dumping its leaves at the height of the heat. This is how God created it to be…and it’s at this same time that beautiful bunches of yellow flower clusters form and cascade down its branches. This tropical tree is definitely not dead…it’s delightfully different.


Isn’t that what each of us is in the garden of God – those growing in the body of Christ? Aren’t we delightfully different…gifted for His own unique purpose? As it says in Isaiah 61:3, “They will be called…a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor.” (Emphasis mine.)

For those of us who are being trained to trust our good and gracious God during days of difficulty, may we, too, see beautiful bunches of flowers form in our lives. As we sing hymns of praise, gratitude and trust…may those glorious clusters cascade from our lips and spill out onto others around us!


So, as I sit and rest today in the coolness of the shade of evergreen trees, I’m going to enjoy those delightful flowers flourishing around me. They truly are “a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor.”





“Do you have even the slightest reliance on anything or anyone other than God…Do I really dare to let God be to me all that He says He will be?” Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest, July 9

I began journaling and pondering this lesson about two weeks ago. So Cal was almost two weeks into a heat wave and I was almost two weeks into an MS flare. Sure seemed like they were tied together: this heat and legs that felt like each step taken was through quicksand; arms and legs numb to the touch; fatigue that wouldn’t even go away with sleep.

My morning devotional that day read, “I (Jesus) will not allow circumstances to overwhelm you, so long as you look to me. I will help you cope with whatever the moment presents.” I have learned over the years that this is so very true! However, I find that if I am not actively looking to the Lord, up, moving about or serving Him in some capacity, I easily become inward-focused, noticing my limitations, growing frustrated…easily bored…

…And I open a door for grumbling…whining…and complaining enters my mind. Left unchecked it also exits my mouth…so ugly.

So, that same day weather forecasters began pronouncing the end to the soaring temperatures and my spirits began to perk up. It’s much easier for me to cope with these challenges, when I think relief is just around the corner.

I began pondering the ways God had helped me through these days, as I looked forward with joyful expectation to the promised end of the heat wave…and even more to the hope of heaven. There, as it states in Revelation 7:16, “Never again…the sun will not beat down on them, nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd.”

I considered how Jesus, the Lamb of God, coped with the horrific events that ended His human life as it had been known. Hebrews 12:2-3 gives a clue: “Fixing our eyes on Jesus…for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (Emphasis mine)

Jesus knew what was ahead – both the pain and the joy of knowing he would ransom the whole world from the death-strangle of sin…making the promise of heaven and being in intimate relationship with the Father accessible to all! That joy overshadowed the pain of the moment.

Today, that same focus on Jesus is filling my eyes…my mind…my heart…with encouragement, so I won’t grow weary and lose heart. That’s because, although it may be cooler, the end of the heat wave did not come and it is still hot…and I’m still numb…fatigued…weak. But rather than start down that path to the door of complaining, which is still cracked open, I am choosing JOY instead.  The joy of Jesus. The joy He’s already given to us as we fix our eyes on Him. The joy of the Lord, which is our strength…so I will not grow weary and lose heart.

But here is what the Lord has been working at in my pondering: If I merely seek to escape my challenges in my coping, it will profit me nothing…and may even make matters worse.

Bottom line: If I place all my hope in the relief from the heat I will be disappointed, when that relief does not come.

If I place my hope in air conditioning and rest I will again be disappointed, when relief from my symptoms isn’t achieved.

But if my hope is in the Lord – not for relief of external heat or internal symptoms of MS, but in His goodness…hoping in His trustworthiness to grow me strong as He accomplishes His plans and purpose for my life, He will help me “cope with whatever the moment presents.”


So, will I really dare to let God be to me all that He says He will be?


Reflections on Fruit-bearing

Lord, this morning I’m reflecting on Betsy Creswell’s memorial service, which was held on Friday.  Betsy was such a godly woman, a genuine example of one finishing well, faithfully following You to the end of her days. That’s how I want to live…

The time she had spent praying, pondering and preparing her own celebration of life and passing, led her to desire Your glory…that each detail would be filled with joy that pointed to Your goodness and blessing. When I agreed so many months ago to sing at her memorial service, it was an honor to be asked, and I asked You to make Your will known…if I should accept. You did…and I did.

And Your name was glorified on Friday, these many months later.

My fears that the sun’s intense heat would melt my ability to sing…stand…even move, were real. But You ARE greater…stronger…and You showed Yourself AGAIN as God Almighty, Lord of all creation.

You did not remove my limitations. Instead, Your strength was made perfect in my weakness. Whether I sang clearly was entirely in Your hands. Obeying, trusting and singing with conviction was all I could do…and I offered You all of myself.

You multiplied what I offered, just like the loaves and fish.

To my ears I did not sound my best; to the ears of those who heard, Your Spirit made each note more sweet and lovely than what I thought they were. For they were offered from a heart desiring Your glory above all else.

You caused fruit to be born from lips that sang Your praises…and will continue to sing Your praise until my dying day. Thank You for the honor of being a vessel bringing glory to Your name!



John 15:8 “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit.”


Hebrews 13:15 “Through (Jesus) then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to his name.”