I Am Not Forgotten

I was so excited this past Sunday, when I walked into church. Not only were the Royal Family Kids Camp staff being commissioned, but we were also having Communion.  As I walked with my cane I was moving pretty slowly and missed seeing the commissioning, but I knew how to pray for this incredible team that would be ministering to kids from the foster care system in the week ahead.

After a wonderful time of teaching and worshiping our awesome God, we began the time of reflection in preparation of taking the Lord’s Supper. I am so grateful for all that Jesus suffered as He gave His body and shed His blood on my behalf. This time of remembering, eating and drinking with fellow believers is so much more precious to me these days. I hadn’t been able to attend worship services on Communion Sundays for almost a year because of where I was serving in our church. So my heart is extra full of gratitude that I’m able to take part in this, once again.

As it turned out, I was sitting alone in a back row, the only person in those 6 or 7 seats. A lovely lady brought the bread to me, going out of her way to make sure I was served. I was praying when the cup representing Christ’s shed blood came around, and when I looked up all the servers were putting their trays away. They’d all finished their serving – and I’d been forgotten.

Now I must tell you that a year ago this would have broken my heart, since I was in such a wounded state and I would have wept at the oversight…but not this day.

Suddenly this thought came to my mind: I am not forgotten! God hadn’t forgotten me, even though I may have been missed by others in the church. God sees me and knows me by name! No worries…just something more for which to be thankful.

And then I remembered a song that I had taught at RFKC several years ago by that same name: I Am Not Forgotten (lyrics below). How fitting that the Lord allowed this to happen and this song to be remembered as abused, neglected and forgotten foster kids would be heading to camp to learn that they, too, are not forgotten.

As I left church I went to the Royal Family booth to get the name of a camper I could pray for all week. The parents of the camp director happened to be manning the booth. Taking the name of Isaiah, age 9,  I walked toward my car, when suddenly I heard someone call my name!  George was running after me and quickly caught up.   He thanked me for the years that I had served at Royal Family, recounting many details of ways he remembered I’d led music, singing and playing guitar, making a difference in the lives of these kids. Such a sweet gift!

It IS true, Lord. I am not forgotten!

Today the kids are heading back home. I’m praying they will remember all of the amazing things they experienced at camp, but especially that God loves them, knows their names and will never forget them.


I AM NOT FORGOTTEN   By Aaron Lindsay & Israel Houghton

I am not forgotten…God knows my name…

Light over darkness, strength over weakness, joy over sadness, He know my name.

Father to the fatherless, friend to the friendless, hope for the hopeless, He knows my name.



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