Early Morning Blessings
I woke up early this morning – early for me. I’m grateful for that because it’s going to be over 100 today and I wanted to do my watering while it was still cool. So I got my coffee and scooped up Daisy-kitty for our regular morning garden walk. The early morning garden has a lush beauty not seen later in the day. Soft shadows and rich colors abound. As we walked I thanked the Lord for waking me up early so I could enjoy this blessing.
We were nearly finished with our walk when Daisy tensed and focused, carefully watching something by the shed. I saw nothing, but strained to see what it might be. We stood there together patiently watching for more movement when I saw her: a little lizard busily moving between and around two rocks that lined the path. I couldn’t figure out what she was doing. Was she stalking and eating bugs? Maybe fighting another lizard? No! She was moving dirt and pebbles around, using front legs and back to sweep it all into a mound between the two rocks. Examining it more closely after she was gone, I decided she must have just laid her eggs and covered them carefully so none could see her newly made nest. This was so cool and a first for me! Early mornings provide unexpected blessings! New life is coming!
When we went up the back steps to go inside, I looked to see if the chrysalis on our deck rail might be ready to birth it’s Monarch Butterfly. Sure enough, the chrysalis was completely transparent, with Monarch wings clearly visible inside. New life was imminent here, as well!
Daisy and I went in the house and a few minutes later I glanced at the chrysalis through the window. It was happening! The butterfly was pushing open the chrysalis before my eyes!
I called Keith to come quickly and watch with me, and in less than a minute the Monarch pushed his way out of his safe and secure chrysalis. However, instead of grasping the edges of his former home when he emerged as he was supposed to do, he missed it completely and fell to the ground with a plop! Now I knew why I’d been given this early morning blessing: so I could be a blessing! Quickly I went outside, found a leaf and put it under his little legs so he could grab it. Once he was safely latched on, I transferred him to a nearby plant where he’d be able to hang out until he was ready to fly.
You see, newly emerged Monarchs must be able to hang out for a few hours, allowing the fluid from their abdomens to flow freely into their wings, causing them to unfurl straight and strong. If they can’t hang, their wings never straighten and dry permanently crumpled so they can’t fly. Those first few hours of their lives are crucial in determining how they will live the rest of their lives. All they’re supposed to do is abide in that safe place, gaining strength for what’s ahead.
That’s true for me, too. I need to abide in my safe place – the loving arms of my Lord – to gain strength for what’s ahead for me. Each day. Every day. It’s there that my crumpled life unfurls with His love and grace. My eyes are once again opened to His eternal perspective…His holiness…His desires for me…His incredible blessings. “New every morning” blessings. So I can be a blessing.
Lord, thank You that as I abide in You, resting in Your safe and loving presence, I gain strength for what is ahead. I’m so grateful that You also abide in me and will never leave. Amen