My Father’s World
While harvesting grape tomatoes the other day, Carillon Bells began to chime from the church across the arroyo signaling it was dinner time. As I finished clipping the last clusters of delicious red sweetness, I realized the chimes were playing one of my favorite hymns! Remembering that I’d painted these words on my very first scripture rock, I hummed along, singing them in my mind:
“This is my Father’s world,
the birds their carols raise,
the morning light, the lily white,
declare their maker’s praise…”
Even now, a few days later I find myself singing in my mind all of the lyrics of this wonderful old hymn. But today I’m focusing more on the truth of this verse:
“This is my Father’s world.
O let me ne’er forget
that though the wrong seems oft so strong,
God is the ruler yet.”
Thank you, Lord, that these words ring true, whether others believe it or not: You are the ruler yet!
Unruly Vines
I felt totally overwhelmed as I looked at one of our vines that had an explosion of growth. I knew it had to be trimmed, but looking at that whole big unruly thing I wanted to just run away. So I asked the Lord to help me see with His eyes what I was able do.
Suddenly my focus changed…zeroing in on one wayward branch…so I snipped it back. Then I saw another and pruned it, as well. I saw one more I could reach and trim, so I did! And one by one, little by little, the branches on that wildly growing vine were brought back to a more manicured state.
I think the Lord opened my eyes to that so I’d be able to remember, when I feel overwhelmed, that I can handle all of life’s challenges this very same way. Rather than focusing on the BIG picture, I can ask for the Lord’s help to see each individual thing in it’s proper perspective. And one by one, little by little, what felt out of control will return to it’s much more manageable state.
Lord, thanks for this reminder to not give in to those overwhelming feelings, but to ask You to help me tackle each and every task, each and every day.
Garden Lessons: The Trail
I heard about a new kind of sickness this morning and I think I might be getting it. It’s called “hurry sickness”. It’s symptoms are that we’re never fully present in the moment because we’re so crazy busy and God can’t get our attention. Of course, I’m fighting hard against this and have even been asking God to show me if the things I’ve become responsible for are because that’s what He wants for me or if I’ve chosen them on my own. Funny thing is, though, I’ve been so busy that I haven’t really been still in His presence long enough to hear His answer. Yet He knows I need to hear from Him, so He’s had to take some drastic measures to get my attention.
My dear friend, Colleen, asked me if I’d like to go for a walk with her. It was a beautiful day and I was desperate to get out into the beauty of God’s creation, so I plugged in my scooter to give it a good charge and soon we were on our way…Colleen walking and me “scootering”.
We went down the big hill into the arroyo and up the other side, Colleen enjoying the deep breaths required to make it all the way to the top. Then we turned around and headed back into the arroyo. Rather than going back the way we came, we decided to walk through the wash to get to “the trail”, a part of the Fullerton Loop. We weren’t sure if there would be easy access for my scooter to get on the trail but I was up for the adventure.
When we got there we had two options and one seemed perfect to get me scooting over a bridge and onto the trail. The only remaining obstacle was the hill at the end that would take us back to the level street and get us home. I looked it over, sizing it up and thought, “No problem! This reminds me of the hills at Royal Family Kids’ Camp…piece of cake!”
So, off we went on this new leg of our adventure. But once we were committed and had started our ascent, I saw a whole lot of loose dirt and a hill that was much steeper than I’d thought it was from a distance.
To be sure I’d make the climb Colleen helped by pushing the back of the scooter. What a team! We were doing great! Even the battery didn’t seem to be overworked or losing it’s charge. Nothing to be concerned about!
We were nearly half way through our climb, talking and laughing without a care in the world, when suddenly…with no warning whatsoever…(clunk)…my scooter stopped…dead…in…it’s…tracks! And because of the loose dirt we were in on the steep incline, I began slipping backwards, with only Colleen keeping me in place!
I turned off the key and tried turning it on again…nothing….again…nothing. I tried once more – to no avail. Goodness, gracious sakes alive, what in the world were we going to do?!!
My legs weren’t able to help much but I decided to get off the scooter and we’d try to guide it back down the hill. Fortunately, some fellow hikers came along and helped us get to the bottom of the hill, although we were slipping and sliding all the way. Once we were safe at the bottom we texted Keith, asking him to bring the van to rescue us. Soon our hero arrived and loaded us up.
As we drove home we gratefully saw how we’d been watched over and cared for during our ordeal: the timing of our fellow hikers coming along to help; Keith being at home with his phone and not away at a football game in LA; Colleen’s strength to maneuver the scooter AND help keep me upright. Thank You, Lord!
As I relayed our adventure to another friend who regularly hikes the trails, she said she’s seen bike riders wipe out on that particular hill. She has even learned to run up to the top of it because she has slipped on it so often.
At that, I realized how foolish I’d been to think my little scooter could undertake and accomplish such a challenging feat! What had I been thinking?!!
But now, I’m realizing that the Lord allowed Colleen and me to attempt this for a very important lesson: when I’m suffering from symptoms of “hurry sickness”, sometimes He does have to take drastic measures to get my attention!
I’d been asking Him for answers but I’d been too busy to stop and listen. Yet, my MS had been flaring up and I was feeling overwhelmed most of the time. This showed me that, with my limited energies, I was attempting to do things I had no business doing. These responsibilities were not my gifting and would be better handled by someone who was equipped for them, just like someone who could take the trail hill easily just by running or riding a bike! If I continue at this pace I’ll break down just like my little scooter did! I guess this “hurry sickness” can really harm us!
After a day of rest I asked Keith to look at my scooter and see what damage I had done to it. I hadn’t been able to charge the battery or anything, so I feared I’d really done it in. Funny thing…when he plugged it in it charged right up and was soon as good as new. I’m thinking that’s exactly what the Lord is prescribing for my “hurry sickness” recovery, too…rest and plugging into Him to become fully charged…and letting go of some of these responsibilities!
Isaiah 30:15 – This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.”