
Discerning Your Voice

Scrub jays, California towhee, gold finches and house finches, mockingbirds and hummingbirds…and what sounds like the “tic, tic” of a Cooper’s hawk (but if he was nearby all the rest of the birds in the garden would be gone). Ah! And a woodpecker!

Sitting here in the garden in the cool of the morning I love hearing these voices…the years spent listening to them lets me recognize them easily.

Do I recognize the voice of God as easily?

After years of listening for Him, it has become much easier to discern His voice from my own thoughts – from the voice of another.  But still I must ask the Lord to make it clear.

Oh Lord, I quiet myself again today and seek You, Your voice above all others. Give me ears to hear! Don’t let me mistake the sound of another for Your voice. Show me the way You want me to go today!

Isaiah 30:21 “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way; walk in it.””

Protective Sunscreen

So, next week I get to go back to my dermatologist to have two more areas of cancerous tissue removed from my skin. It was just two years ago that I had the first cancerous area cut out. At that time I said I’d learned my lesson about not wearing my sunscreen and that from here on out I would faithfully apply that protective lotion to my body before heading out to work in the garden.

But I got lazy.

Oh sure, I’d only go out for a few minutes and hide in the shade, thinking this little bit wouldn’t hurt. I’d always make sure my scar was covered so it wouldn’t get darker and uglier.

But now – again – I must have these painful procedures to cut away all of the bad stuff from my body. It would have been so much easier to just put on that sunscreen as part of my morning routine…a sunscreen habit.

It’s interesting that both of my morning devotionals, written years apart, highlighted this verse:

James 4:7 “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”

If I am to be protected by this promise of God I must apply it daily – like sunscreen that protects skin from the damaging rays of the sun. The protection won’t just happen if I am not actively applying it in my daily life.

First – submit myself to God…humbly and completely. If I’ve already submitted to God why would I submit to the devil!?

Second – resist! Resist in God’s strength – actively standing firm – standing against the devil! Don’t. Give. In.

And he will flee. That’s a promise!

Lord, I don’t want to conform any longer to my old patterns. Help me, please, to be transformed by the renewing of my mind, so I make “sunscreen” a habit. Thank You for the promise that the devil will flee when I resist him and submit to You!

Wings Outstretched

Monarch butterfly with wings outstretched

Praying as I went to sleep last night, the LORD brought to mind something for which I needed to ask His forgiveness. Wanting to cross something off of my to-do list I’d sent out a worship song playlist to my CBS music team. He had given me all of the songs but I hadn’t asked the LORD if the list was ready…if these were all the songs He’d wanted…if it was the right time…

No big deal to others – but one of the things God has been showing me during these three months of rest is that I tend to jump in and “do” without seeking Him first. That leads me down all kinds of rabbit trails and away from God’s strength. Without His strength I’m useless!

So I confessed…repented…asked for His forgiveness and went to sleep.

This morning I awoke to the words of one of those songs playing through my mind:

“You’re making me like You,
Clothing me in white,
Bringing beauty from ashes,
For You will have Your bride
Free of all her guilt
And rid of all her shame
And known by her true name
And it’s why I sing
Your praise will ever be on my lips…”*

I arose and began opening curtains throughout the house…and the first thing I truly “saw” was a monarch butterfly, resting in the sun – wings outstretched – taking in all the warmth before starting its day, gaining strength for its wings…

…And saw myself desiring to do the same…

LORD, before I begin ANY task today, I lift my hands in surrender to You. Lead me; give me strength for what You want me to do…and Your praise will ever be on my lips.

*Ever Be  ©2014 Bethel Music Publishing