
Groundhog’s Day


Our majestic Modesto Ash Tree

Happy Groundhog’s Day!   This is the traditional day, smack dab in the middle of winter, when the proverbial groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, exits his abode to predict either an early spring or six more weeks of winter, based on whether he sees his shadow or not.

I haven’t heard if ol’ Phil saw his shadow today or not, but it sure seems like spring has already sprung here in our neighborhood! Our Modesto Ash tree has barely finished dropping its leaves, but once again its yellowish-green puffballs are forming at the tip of each branch. If I hadn’t heard a steady hum above my head, I may not have noticed the bees flying from flower to flower, gathering nectar and pollen for themselves and their hives.   And, as usual when those puffballs arrive, there’s a yellow layer of pollen covering our decks, walkways, cars and outdoor furniture.

Yes, the evidence does seem to say that spring has sprung in Fullerton, California!

Pollen heavy puffballs on our Ash Tree


I love knowing that the Lord can cause an early season of spring in our hearts, even when we are in the midst of deep winter and dark nights of the soul. It’s from those well-fertilized days (read “crappy places”) that He can cause the fruit of His Spirit to grow more abundantly…His love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, look more beautiful.  In those challenging times, when I look for His presence and trust His heart and plan, I can say along with the Apostle Paul:

Romans 8:28 “For we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”


Lord, help us to trust You. Open our eyes to see the evidence that You truly are working on our behalf. May the light of Your presence during dark days bring us into a season of spring in which Your fruit grows in wild abundance. Amen.

Just One Place

Over the weekend we had nearly seven inches of rain and our basement flooded. So Keith crawled under the house today to find out where our problems were. He had worked long and hard over the past several years, putting in French drains and diverting water away from the house, just so the basement would not flood anymore. He thought he had fixed it. He was devastated when it flooded again – after we had created a music studio there for our son.

Much to our relief he found only one place with evidence of water – a place we’d talked about putting a sump pump…but didn’t: under our deck. And it was from that one place that water crept along the foundation walls and flowed into the basement…non-stop…for hours…seeping out from under the baseboards and filling up the basement floor. Just. One. Place.

But…just one place with an easy fix! And for that we are SO grateful!

That reminded me that it just takes one unguarded, unprotected place in our hearts that can lead to devastation and destruction in our lives.

I experienced that last year, taking on more and more responsibility – because I was asked…no…because I thought I was the only one who would do it.   My pride allowed floodgates to open and wreak havoc in my entire life – spiritually, emotionally and leading to physical burnout.

Yet, once I’d recovered from those devastating effects, it was an easy fix: staying close to Jesus and not doing or saying anything without talking it through with Him first!  And for that I am SO grateful!


Thank you, Jesus, for leaving your Holy Spirit here with us, showing us where we’re broken or unprotected and need to make repairs in our lives. Thank you for using storms to grow us and make us more like you!!

The Chameleon

Who or what do you surround yourself with? Do you think that changes you at all?

I’m such a chameleon! The longer I’m around negativity…complaining…criticism…sarcasm, the more those traits stick to me, weighing me down like a millstone hung around my neck. Soon I feel like I’m drowning in depression and despair. Focusing on that which I’m trying to escape, every movement pulls me deeper into the quicksand, like the snare I’ve stepped into. The struggle to break free becomes more and more difficult…when I think I’m on my own. Even crying out to Jesus, describing to Him what I’m feeling, makes me feel like saying along with the apostle Paul, “Wretched person that I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?” (Romans 7:24)

And then…

My eyes shift from the life-sucking snare…to Jesus…fixing my eyes on Him…focusing the gaze of my heart on the beauty and TRUTH of who He is…and who I am in Him! With Paul, I say, “Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! (Romans 7:25)

And as I live close to Jesus, refusing to surrender to the negativity surrounding me any longer and, instead, immersing my heart, mind and spirit in that amazing truth, I shout the victory cry of Romans 8:37, “No! In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us!” (Emphasis mine)


Jesus, on my own I am weak but in Your strength I can do all things! Let Your joy be my strength today, changing my chameleon colors to look more like You!