Mighty Rushing Wind

Mark 10:27 “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.””

I was sitting on our porch this morning reading this verse in my Bible. Before I’d even had a chance to ponder the depths of its meaning, all at once a mighty rushing wind – a Santa Ana gust – blew through. It scattered leaves and stems from our ash tree all over; seeds from our milkweed plants blew all across the garden, flying on dandelion-like fluff.

As evidence of the wind swirled around me I thought of how this was so like the Holy Spirit coming in power in Acts 2, “like a mighty rushing wind”.  And my heart leaped for joy as I remembered that the Holy Spirit lives in me, in all of us who have believed on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Jeremy Camp states in his song, Same Power:

“The same power that rose Jesus from the grave,

The same power that commands the dead to wake

Lives in us; lives in us.

The same power that moves mountains when He speaks,

The same power that can calm a raging sea

Lives in us, lives in us. He lives in us, lives in us.


“We have hope that His promises are true.

In His strength, there is nothing we can’t do.

Yes, we know there are greater things in store.

We will not be overtaken, we will not be overcome!”


Oh what joy this brings to my heart!

So, whatever you may be facing today, may your heart be encouraged and filled with joy: this same Power is available to you! And in His strength there is nothing we can’t do…with God ALL things are possible.


Lord Jesus, God Almighty, Ruler of all things, help us to stand firm in the truth of Your Word today!

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