Like A Freshly Cleaned Garden Bed

I’ve been spending quite a bit of time this summer at my dad’s in San Diego. We’re working to make his home more accessible as his strength and mobility decrease. As much of a challenge as this is physically for me, I love every minute that I spend with him and my step mom. I’m treasuring these moments. I know better how to pray for them!

So yesterday, as I drove to and from their home I was blessed to drive past the area where Royal Family Kids’ Camp is taking place this week. I served for 13 years as the music director for this camp that our church sponsors each summer, so I’m very familiar with the routines of their days and evenings. And for one of the first times, I wasn’t sad as I drove past; I didn’t grieve over what I was no longer able to take part in. Instead, I prayed with abundant joy that other volunteers were working to help these foster children know the unconditional love of God and have a heck of a lot of fun in the process! Like a freshly cleaned garden bed waiting for colorful new plantings, I prayed that God would grow each of these kids into the beautiful and treasured person He created them to be.

The old plants are gone and this freshly cleaned bed is waiting for beautiful, healthy new plants.


So, will you join me today, praying for those in need? Will you pray for those disabled by disease and old age; disabled by broken hearts; disabled by the hands of broken people that inflicted unspeakable atrocities on innocent children? Will you pray for God’s love, grace and power to shine through the clouds of brokenness and despair and begin to right every wrong, to heal every hurt, to use even the worst things to bring beauty and good…His good…into each life?

Will you?

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