Sanctuary of Shade

Transplanted clivia

Isaiah 4: 2, 5 – 6 “In that day the Branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious…over everything the glory will be a canopy. It will be a shelter and shade from the heat of the day and a refuge and hiding place from the storm and rain.”


Yesterday we divided and transplanted half of our clivia, moving them from an area with too many hours of morning sun to a place along our fully shaded garden path. The canopy of oleander and bougainvillea meeting with hibiscus and the Lady Banks climbing rose dulls and dapples the harsh summer sun: such a cool and inviting space. Sounds from beyond this sanctuary are muted. Such serenity here.

Birds find protective covering in this sweet refuge and hiding place…as will the clivia. One needs protection from predators…the other, protection from the sun. How interesting that plants that can handle full sun provide that protection.

Jesus is my refuge…my sanctuary. The beautiful and glorious Branch of the Lord has become my covering and He has proven He can handle anything and everything…including the full sun. He has overcome it all.  In His sanctuary of shade I find perfect peace…serenity…rest. In Him I am safe…loved…incredibly blessed.


So, today I will linger in this sanctuary with the One who provides my shelter and shade. As I enter in, I remember who I am…Whose I am. As I take His hand and walk this path of righteousness I recall His promise to lead…guide…and all I need to do is follow…trust…listen for His voice telling me which way to go. And when I leave this place, I am not alone, for He goes with me wherever I go, giving me strength for the journey.


Oh Precious Lord, I humbly ask that You would show me Your glory as I meet with You today.   Thank You for being my sanctuary of shade.

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