Reflections on Fruit-bearing

Lord, this morning I’m reflecting on Betsy Creswell’s memorial service, which was held on Friday.  Betsy was such a godly woman, a genuine example of one finishing well, faithfully following You to the end of her days. That’s how I want to live…

The time she had spent praying, pondering and preparing her own celebration of life and passing, led her to desire Your glory…that each detail would be filled with joy that pointed to Your goodness and blessing. When I agreed so many months ago to sing at her memorial service, it was an honor to be asked, and I asked You to make Your will known…if I should accept. You did…and I did.

And Your name was glorified on Friday, these many months later.

My fears that the sun’s intense heat would melt my ability to sing…stand…even move, were real. But You ARE greater…stronger…and You showed Yourself AGAIN as God Almighty, Lord of all creation.

You did not remove my limitations. Instead, Your strength was made perfect in my weakness. Whether I sang clearly was entirely in Your hands. Obeying, trusting and singing with conviction was all I could do…and I offered You all of myself.

You multiplied what I offered, just like the loaves and fish.

To my ears I did not sound my best; to the ears of those who heard, Your Spirit made each note more sweet and lovely than what I thought they were. For they were offered from a heart desiring Your glory above all else.

You caused fruit to be born from lips that sang Your praises…and will continue to sing Your praise until my dying day. Thank You for the honor of being a vessel bringing glory to Your name!



John 15:8 “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit.”


Hebrews 13:15 “Through (Jesus) then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to his name.”